The Course

Dive right into the world of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with this hands-on course that'll equip you with the know-how to test APIs like a pro. Whether you're a developer aiming to perfect your own creations, a QA specialist looking to expand your testing toolkit, or just curious about how the services you use every day interact behind the scenes, this course is your ticket to upping your technical game. As we unravel the layers, you'll learn about different types of APIs, the magic of RESTful services, and the intricacies of creating test cases to ensure they're not just working, but working well.

Now, let's get practical. You're not just going to learn the theory; you're going to apply it. We take a project-based approach to help you master the art of using advanced tools like Postman, understanding authentication mechanisms, and automating your tests to make your life so much easier. By the time we're done, you'll not only know how to spot issues before they become headaches but also how to communicate your findings effectively. These skills are in high demand across all tech industries, and they offer the added bonus of making your projects more robust and user-friendly. So, get ready to give your career a boost and become the API testing expert that every development team will want on their side.

What you will learn

When I started designing this course, I placed myself in the shoes of someone just stepping into the world of APIs, ensuring every lesson is clear, engaging, and filled with practical examples. The aim here is to make the learning process as smooth and enjoyable as possible. I've taken great care to organize the content so that it builds logically from basic concepts to more advanced techniques, enabling you to confidently navigate and implement the knowledge in real-world scenarios. The outcome is a course that not only teaches you the essentials in a friendly, supportive environment but also empowers you with the skills to creatively problem-solve and adapt to various challenges you may face in the dynamic landscape of API usage. Each module has been thoughtfully put together to give you a sense of progress and achievement, making your learning journey both helpful and rewarding.


Dostupné v dni
dni po prihlásení
  Tools for API Testing
Dostupné v dni
dni po prihlásení
  Writing API Test Cases
Dostupné v dni
dni po prihlásení
  Executing API Tests
Dostupné v dni
dni po prihlásení

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Your instructor

S láskou a oddanosťou som sa ponoril do štúdia Univerzálnych princípov Života, ktoré sa stali osou mojich viac ako 30 rokov trvajúcich bádaní a pedagogickej praxe. Moje poznatky z oblastí Čínskej metafyziky a Hermetickej filozofie som neustále prehlboval na cestách za vedomosťami, kde som sa učil od svetoznámych majstrov. Táto zanietenosť pre odhaľovanie hlbších pravidiel existencie ma priviedla k tomu, že môžem šíriť osvietenie a inšpiráciu medzi tými, čo hľadajú porozumenie nad rámec bežne viditeľného.

Spájam teóriu s praktickými aplikáciami, či už v osobnom živote, vo svete práce alebo vo vnútornom rozvoji jednotlivca, aby som poskytol nástroje pre harmonický život. Na našom kurze sa podelím o prvotriedne techniky a stratégie získané z bohatých skúseností a kontinuálneho vzdelávania po celom svete. Tieto "poklady múdrosti starých majstrov", ktoré mám možnosť zdieľať spolu s mojou úžasnou manželkou Judit, stoja na základoch tradície aj inovácie, a som presvedčený, že povzbudia váš rast a rozšíria obzory poznania v rámci kurzu "Testujem kurz na API 2".


Mastering API Integration and Testing


A Deep Dive into API Testing Techniques


Hands-On Approaches to API Test Scenarios